Senin, 05 September 2011

Implant erupts Shot Paintball

A 26-year-old woman writhing in pain as the bullet shot the paint in a paintball game area in the UK. Not just a bruise, paint bullet speed 190 miles per hour menghujam chest had been ripped her breast implants.
As quoted from The Sun, she had to spend £ 3,000 or about Rp41, 8 million for the treatment of her breasts. He needs intensive treatment to prevent inflammation and reconstruct her breast implants.
"I predict she is quite slim because the paint bullet must penetrate the skin before tearing her breast implants," said President of the Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in the UK, Douglas McGeorge, who has never encountered a case like this before.
A spokesman for the playground 'Paintzone Paintball' said the paintball shot indeed bring the pain. However, the worst condition that usually appears only a bruise. "Fun game is a bit of pain when shot. Over the years, we've never seen anything like this, "he said.
This incident makes paintball arena manager evaluation. They will add an additional layer of special fittings for those who put implants in his body. They do not want a similar incident recurring. "Now we are providing an additional layer in the vicinity of the female breast."
Although the new paintball arena first place, but cases of breast erupt due to other factors have often appeared. There Easeman Lindsey, a British woman, who lost her breasts after gel breast implants in the right section erupted so inflamed and form lumps.Lindsey's Plight Caused by the use of breast implants made ​​of Poly Implant Prothese(PIP).Hazardous materials are manufactured gel-based company has long opposed the French medical experts because it could trigger a serious inflammation in the breast area.
Irena D overwrite another case, a woman from Russia who had to undergo intensive care after her breast implants exploded on the plane. Implants that made her breasts size M erupted as a result unable to withstand the pressure difference on the plane during flight.

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